The effort, which involves 400 households in Ahmedabad, is part of a global scientific trial to study how indoor heat impacts ...
The initiative, covering 400 households, is part of a global scientific trial exploring the impact of indoor heat on health ...
Across the world, heatwaves that, prior to the industrial revolution, had a one-in-10 chance of occurring in any given year are nearly three times as likely, according to a 2022 study in the ...
Across the world, heatwaves that, prior to the industrial revolution, had a one-in-10 chance of occurring in any given year are nearly three times as likely, according to a 2022 study in the ...
I sleep so much better and my electricity bill is down,” said Bhil, whose roof was painted in January. Across the world, heat waves that, prior to the industrial revolution, had a one-in-10 chance of ...
Over the last two months, hundreds of roofs in the informal settlements of India’s western Gujarat state have been painted in a reflective, white coating in order to keep their occupants cooler as the ...
The main content of this revolution is the national liberation of the African people ... In order to ensure the rapid development of South Africa as a well balanced industrial-agricultural country, ...