The Arizona Interscholastic Association Unified State Basketball Championships showcased the power of inclusive sports ...
Mission Nonprofit host Megan Murphy Ross sat down with Samantha Ezpinoza, executive director for Thurston County Inclusion.
The I/DD waitlist helps intellectually disabled Kansans find people, like Oleson, to help them in their daily lives.
The move more than triples the nonprofit's footprint in the city, providing the organization a Chicago outpost with a ...
(Statehouse) – State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) met recently with clients of New Horizons Rehabilitation, a nonprofit ...
When my sister became critically ill last spring, one of my first thoughts was “Who’s going to take care of my nephew?” I was in the delivery room when my sister gave birth to him almost four decades ...
Attorney General Kris Kobach told 13 NEWS his intention was only to challenge the addition of the gender dysphoria and not the entirety of it.