I remember one of these experiments particularly ... it is ironic that the most interesting level of detail, the nanometer range where chemistry becomes biology, is almost entirely invisible ...
Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom) is a first‐year high school chemistry textbook ... Each activity is written following the Science Writing Heuristic, which encourages inquiry and guides students ...
A video series spotlighting new and interesting chemistry research in a concise and shareable format. Enjoy striking visuals from labs around the world and catch up on the latest chemistry news from ...
Students take practical experiments with water in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Chemistry with Dr Peter Wothers. They explore why ice floats on water, what happens as water expands ...
Reviews provide a critical and in-depth discussion of a particularly relevant or interesting topic in organic chemistry. They aim to provide the reader with an authoritative ... Any unusual apparatus ...
However, the use of the template for submission is not essential. A Review article should provide a critical and in-depth discussion of a particularly relevant or interesting topic in inorganic ...
Nevertheless, [DiodeGoneWild] picked up some large-value supercapacitors and used his interesting homemade oscilloscope to examine how they worked. You can watch what he is up to in his workshop ...
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has partnered with the Carnegie Institution for Science to perform laboratory experiments that recreate the conditions of Saturn’s moon Titan in a tiny vial.
But the chemistry that makes them work is pretty simple, which led [Markus Bindhammer] to these experiments with open source glucose testing. It’s all part of a larger effort at developing an ...
This is why they’re also called ghost particles. However, for the first time, two dark matter experiments have detected a neutrino fog, a dense cloud of neutrinos. This discovery is reported by ...
According to evolutionary scientists, when people throw up their hands and say "it was just chemistry," they may ... In mice, for example, experiments showed that pheromones acted as attractants ...