Explore the development of sociology as a scientific field. Learn how empirical research, data analysis, and technological ...
Political Science professors and students share how they feel bias exhibits itself in the classroom and helps to shape ...
From the Middle Ages to Rousseau to the Industrial Revolution to Trotsky, historian Ralph Raico provides a refreshing ...
Cutting funding from anything perceived as “DEI-adjacent” harms us all. It freezes life-changing research, and shuts the door ...
To sum up, this research showed that roughly one-third of the Georgian population endorses some conspiracy theories, including the conspiracy of the Global War party. Also, approximately one-third ...
Taylor Tokos is currently a research assistant in the UI doctoral program. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, Tokos moved to Iowa City after finishing her undergrad in political science at Creighton University ...
Introduction No human civilization—whether large or small, modern or traditional—has ever survived without collectively ...
Tengrinews.kz - Politics should focus on solving urgent problems that concern ordinary people and on ensuring real progress ...
It is imperative to recognize and resist the coordinated attack on our public education system represented by Senate Bill 1, ...
On Feb. 26, at Elizabethtown College’s High Library held a talk titled “Research and Recording BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) Student History at Elizabethtown College.” ...
This is the core course of the International and Global Studies major. It is an introduction to key international issues and problems that will likely feature prominently in their courses at ...
According to an annual report, the academic freedom index has fallen substantially in 34 of the 179 countries surveyed.