Professor Duncan Graham, Associate Principal & Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Strathclyde is the new Editor-in-Chief of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journal, ...
Professor and Chair of Chemistry Thomas Smith ’88 will serve as the next director of the Williams-Exeter Programme at Oxford ...
The game was trialed with 28 first-year undergraduate chemistry majors taking introductory organic chemistry during a 1.5 h session. Pre- and post-game surveys assessed shifts in student attitudes ...
This course introduces concepts of chemistry, the central link between the physical and biological sciences. Principles discussed include chemical bonding, simple reactions and stoichiometry, chemical ...
This course introduces concepts of chemistry, the central link between the physical and biological sciences. Principles discussed include chemical bonding, simple reactions and stoichiometry, chemical ...
A cloud of super-heated volcanic ash and gas exploded the brain of one Herculaneum resident and the fragments inside his skull became an extremely rare organic glass ...
School of Chemical Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, China School of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, Taizhou University, Taizhou 318000, China State Key Laboratory of ...
Much of the department’s teaching laboratory space for introductory chemistry courses is located in this building ... The final floor, equipped with hoods for an organic chemistry teaching lab, will ...