歌手惠恩(音)对50亿债务传闻断然否认说:"我不向任何人借钱。"1月13日,youtube频道"总之惠恩"上传了"投债命惠恩公开了真相?!! youtube上上传了题为《心境告白with人生美食店刀燕》的视频。当天惠恩在介绍自己的美食店时进行了解释。
无论何时都和市民在一起的已故宋大宽的生前舞台即将公开。16日播出的KBS1《全国歌唱大赛》第2105集是"忠清南道唐津市篇",之前在"唐津室内体育馆"准备的特设舞台上,进入决赛的16个组合将以无法移开视线的才艺和才能展现丰富的舞台。特别是在当天的节目 ...
英国外交大臣戴维·拉米(David Lammy)周四(2月13日)表示,与中国外长王毅的讨论将包括两国“并不总是意见一致”的问题。
China Development Bank issued 1.53 trillion yuan (US$213.37 billion) in infrastructure loans across the country in 2024, the bank said on Monday. The loans were granted for major infrastructure areas ...
The 8pm news from France2 takes an in-depth look at the economic, environmental, political and societal issues of France and the world. In French, no subtitles, delivered via Satellite.Watch on SBS Wo ...
A message from the ongoing annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), or the parliament, tells saving energy and protecting environment is a big government agenda.
BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, has signed an order to promulgate a set of revised regulations on scientific research related to military equipment ...
美国国务卿马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)星期三(2月5日)宣布,美国计划通过新的基础设施项目支持危地马拉,并签署外国援助豁免,以加强美国与这个中美洲国家的伙伴关系。 在与危地马拉总统贝尔纳多·阿雷瓦洛(Bernardo ...
According to the National Meteorological Center, a cold wave is expected to move across China, causing temperature drops of 6 to 8 degrees Celsius in the Huanghuai region – a geographical area that ...
GitHub Issues 向所有人开放:子问题、问题类型和针对问题的高级搜索功能 ...
The Malaysian Insight provides an unvarnished insight into Malaysia, its politics, economy, personalities and issues of the day, and also issues sidelined by the headlines of the day.
The Malaysian Insight provides an unvarnished insight into Malaysia, its politics, economy, personalities and issues of the day, and also issues sidelined by the headlines of the day.