The 70km Shimanami Kaido, webbed with fishing harbours, hillside citrus orchards and historic shrines, is often regarded as ...
Japan will provide $3 million to Pacific island nations to help them implement measures against climate change, the Foreign ...
SENDAI (Kyodo) -- Japan has more than 400 small, inhabited islands that are uniquely exposed to the risks of natural ...
In an exclusive interview, and the first time a sitting Solomon Islands leader has sat down with the ABC in almost six years, ...
Too many double faces countries, one side need China help and another face wants to create chaos and disruption in China.
TWO Solomon Islands University of the South Pacific (USP) Laucala Campus third year Environmental (Earth) Science students ...
Japan has committed 417 million Japanese Yen, approximately $6million to the Pacific Resilience Facility. This marks a ...
The “2024 Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths” (2024 JENESYS Program) is a people-to-people exchange ...
Island Inspired Innovations] This episode introduces technological innovations designed to deal with issues facing some of ...
It is likely that there will not be a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia this year — or ever one at all. If ...
Along with fulminating against the United States, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi reasserted China’s South China Sea claims, ...
Japan coast guard says Chinese vessels sail near disputed East China Sea islands October 12, 2020 Chinese ships in territorial waters around Senkakus for four days ...