Nature Reviews Genetics aims to be the premier ... and we work hard to maximize the usefulness and impact of each article. The journal publishes Research Highlights, Comments, Reviews and ...
Nature Aging’s mission is to provide a unique multidisciplinary, unifying and highly visible publishing platform for the aging-research community. The journal is highly selective yet broad in ...
How we do that often depends on Mother Nature. For instance, a sunny and 65-degree day in May means our primary ... we need to be able to quickly ramp up extra power to meet our customers’ critical ...
The study, published in the journal Nature Communications, shows that great whales' urine and feces, along with the bodies of deceased whales, benefit many coral reef ecosystems by creating food for ...
It’s that magical time of year when snowflakes dance from the sky, wrapping the world in a cozy, white blanket. People are ...
One useful exercise to get to the root of lingering negative feelings (and increase positive ones) is keeping a mood journal ... caused me to take It’s human nature to act in response to ...
Mar. 13, 2025 — A groundbreaking study has revealed that brown trout can successfully navigate beaver dams -- obstacles which were previously thought to pose a significant barrier to their ...
Sunshine — or sunlight — an essential element of all life, was front and center Tuesday night at a public forum focusing on open government held at The Foundry on Broadway.
Samples from the far side of the moon gathered by China’s Chang’e 6 mission record eons of tumultuous lunar history ...
Konrad LaPrade is president and CEO of Fort Wayne Newspapers, business agent of The Journal Gazette. Go to and click on “legislators” ...
The EMBO Journal publishes papers describing original research of broad general interest ... as well as systems studies at the organ level and works describing large-scale datasets with the ultimate ...