Tucker Meek bought a pet lemur named Gizmo for half off the original price of $5,000 and a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka. His stepfather knew the owner of a pet store in Lubbock, and although exotic ...
When he opened the door to his car, King Julian ran inside, signaling to Hearen that the lemur was likely someone’s former pet. There’s a darker reality to that theory, though. Hearen said he ...
Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere ...
Ring-tailed lemurs have a black and white striped tail which is longer than their whole body! They use their tails to communicate and for balance. Ring-tailed lemurs eat fruits, flowers ...
Ring-tailed lemurs look different! They retain a number of primitive mammalian traits. For example: Reflective tapetum lucidum, which is a layer of cells in the wall of the eye that reflects light ...
Given the threat to lemurs in the wild, it is essential to determine how human-induced habitat change is affecting their health. In 2003 a survey on the health and disease ecology of wild ring-tailed ...
To create their distinctive odour, male lemurs combine the strong but short-lived scent produced by their wrist glands, with longer lasting secretion from their shoulder glands. An action known as ...