Thus, a Pixracer autopilot was installed, and combined with a small LIDAR device to accurately measure altitude above the ground. With some custom tweaks to the Ardupilot firmware, the craft was ...
Ingeniously, this means that if there’s an electronics failure, the gripper will automatically release, avoiding situations where linemen would need to rescue a stuck drone.Accurately mapping ...
AgEagle drones feature unique cameras, including 3D mapping ... points/m2 lidar dataset was found to be insufficient. So the ...
The effects of climate change are becoming impossible to ignore, especially in rapidly urbanizing African cities. Events like floods, droughts, and cyclones are causing widespread disruption, ...
These new, survey-grade drone LiDAR scanners ... to step into the world of precise mapping without the high cost." TV1: Customizable and Budget-Friendly LiDAR Solution The TrueView 1, on the ...