Hundreds of thousands of people, many of them bedecked in green costumes and face paint, lined the streets of Ireland's towns ...
Thousands of people are expected to fill the streets of Dublin to watch Ireland’s national St Patrick’s Day parade on Monday.
Children waved the Irish tricolour while visitors watched the long and energetic parade make its way through the streets of ...
HALF A million revellers packed the streets of Dublin as the whole world turned green yesterday. On the day of our nation’s ...
Historically, snakes have gotten a bad rap, but there’s a lot to love about these fascinating creatures, writes Jonathan ...
Northern Ireland is ready for a vibrant St Patrick’s Day celebration, with towns and cities turning green in honour of ...
When Tim Hourigan met a woman called Carrie Jade Williams to discuss renting her his house in Kenmare, Co Kerry, he was struck by how talkative she was.
Since Maewyn Succat (Saint Patrick’s birth name) was “trafficked” to these shores in AD432, many more immigrants have followed throughout the ages, but especially so in recent decades. And while they ...