昨天(2月10日),一股冷空气开始影响我国,新疆地区率先迎来降温。今明天,它将继续东移南下影响中东部地区,元宵节(2月12日)当天北方多地将迎本周最冷白天,南方也将陆续迎来降温,气温多起伏,公众需及时增减衣物,降低感冒风险。同时,中东部降水发展增多, ...
Canada will respond to US President Donald Trump's 25-percent tariffs on steel and aluminum, a Canadian minister said Monday.
Shanghai will allocate 500 million yuan (US$69.73 million) from its municipal budget to issue vouchers for the service sector ...
AliExpress, Alibaba’s cross-border e-commerce platform, has announced plans to extend its local currency payment options in Africa. Following the introduction of mobile payment systems like M-Pesa in ...
Consumers showed strong spending power during the Spring Festival holiday this year, boosting the steady growth of the ...
Enfrentando o frio, as equipes de resgate estão fazendo todos os esforços para encontrar sobreviventes depois que um deslizamento de terra na Província de Sichuan, no sudoeste da China, deixou um mort ...
英国伦敦市经济与商业政策署前署长、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院高级研究员罗思义 (John Ross)做客“东西问·中外对话”时指出,美国对他国实施加征关税政策,背后反映出美国国际竞争力下降的现实。作为超级大国,美国需要通过贸易保护措施,维护本国利益。
At noon on Jan. 20 local time, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, beginning his second term. Starting his first tenure, tariffs ha ...
Trabalhadores chineses e seus colegas locais do Zhong Mei Engineering Group, a empresa chinesa contratada para construir o ...