Many towns will be posting their roads soon, meaning certain roads will be closed to heavy logging trucks to prevent ...
Reversing the Roadless Rule on the Tongass risks dragging us back to the destructive days of clearcut logging, and it’s ...
The Trump administration's plan to boost timber production on federal lands faces pushback about wildfires, environmental concerns and economics.
President Donald Trump took action last weekend to increase domestic logging by circumventing environmental protections and to staunch the flow of imported timber and lumber products into the country, ...
Environmental groups and timberland owners are calling on Oregon lawmakers to support a yearslong agreement that will be ...
Complicating the issue further: In many areas of national forests, current trees are “the wrong size and the wrong species for the forest industry to process,” he said. Expanding logging ...
Advancing Quality Assurance and Compliance Actus X offers a comprehensive approach to broadcast monitoring with a ...
Forest carbon sinks, or green carbon, refers to carbon dioxide transferred from the atmosphere and stored in timber, roots or ...
It was the first time in the world that Boeing 737s were converted into dedicated aerial firefighting aircraft.
The president wants to bypass environmental rules to increase domestic timber production. Here’s what that means for ...
Credential collaboration needs to seamlessly fit into existing DevOps pipelines, cloud environments, and enterprise IT ...