A newlywed woman revealed on Reddit how deciding to keep her maiden name has caused tension between her and her father-in-law. She said a conversation with him ended with her walking out in tears.
A stock image of a couple arguing in the hallway of their home. A stock image of a couple arguing in the hallway of their home. gorodenkoff/Getty Images According to Moore, many people assume that ...
We all know weddings can bring tears of joy, but in this instance the tears were not so joyful. I can’t imagine many grooms ...
The couple spoke about the experience with ... Olson died in November. Two married lawyers arguing at the Supreme Court just a week apart is an unusual coincidence, and even more so when you ...
Davis made national news in 2015 after she refused to adhere to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that granted same-sex couples the ...
A married couple acted 'like animals' when they viciously attacked two women in their 60s at a pub, a court has heard. Michael and Jemma Edwards beat the women after an argument broke out in the pub.
Dear Annie: My wife, “Patsy,” and I have been married for 50 years ... effort to solve your problems instead of resorting to arguing. When the problem is solved, take a little time to heal ...
A couple got engaged, then immediately wed on ... the team asked Alexandre if he thought Giles would be willing to get married too. "Oh, my gosh, I'm glad I really want to marry you because ...
With the crew's help, Alexander Valur Wium Brynjólfsson, a 26-year-old tour guide, married his love, Kita. It was a special moment for the couple, who were able to exchange vows on a plane ...
AMAGASAKI, Hyogo Prefecture--A Japanese and French couple who married in France has petitioned ... with Kobe Family Court’s Amagasaki branch, arguing that their treatment has been unreasonable ...