Put your money where your mouth is: An Israeli luxury jewelry brand has created the world’s most expensive face mask. Price tag: $1.5 million. Yvel Designed by Yvel, the mask is made of 3,608 ...
The World Health Organization recommends looking for masks that have a white or light colored interior, which can help you see when the mask is dirty or wet. The WHO also recommends finding a mask ...
How it feels: This mask is soft against the skin and roomy around the eyes, and it drops the world into complete darkness the moment you put it on. The Mzoo Sleep Mask’s contoured, memory-foam ...
This mask would have been worn by a priest during funeral rituals.Mask in the form of the jackal head Anubis, ancient Egyptian god of embalming and the dead. It is made of cartonnage, layers of ...
This Haida mask can be transformed from the outer image of an eagle to the inner image of a supernatural being.This Ritual Mask, used by the Haida people of north-west Canada, was collected in ...