Data was analyzed for the median year housing units were built from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey.
A study has revealed the median salaries for people of different ages in each U.S. state. Find out how you compare.
The real estate website recently released a list of the top places to retire in luxury in the country, determined by data ...
The median age of homes in Buffalo is 68 years old, far surpassing the national average. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Buffalo ranks first among U.S. metros for oldest houses. Median home age in Buffalo is 68 ...
In addition to Jamestown's coastal beauty and various beaches, praises the town's many attractions for retired people, such as historic farms, local shops and boutiques, award-winning ...
A 401(k) not only lets you passively save and invest for retirement, it also gives you a tax break while doing so.
Meanwhile, the highest-earning boomers are in Hawaii. Here’s a look at the median earnings in every state, broken down by age group. See how you compare: Median income for ages 15 to 24 ...
Full retirement age for Social Security benefits has been inching up to 67 from 65. This year, it finally hits 67. Here's what that means for you.
The results of the latest internal poll at Microsoft show that the majority of employees are happy with the trade between the ...