An oft-repeated tongue-in-cheek piece of humour is, “What did India contribute to the world?” And its punchline – “Zero”! The joke is a tip of the hat to the fact that the concept of zero, which ...
The unveiling of Archaeometallurgy of India from Rigveda to Vālmīki ... Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa to unearth the secrets of ancient Indian metallurgy, stated a press release from the institute.
He was the first who emphasise that digestion, metabolism, and immunity are important for health. 📍 Metallurgy: The Iron Pillar of Delhi stands as evidence of ancient India’s advanced metallurgical ...
A physician and surgeon, Sushruta wrote the Sushruta Samhita, a medical text that described surgical procedures, including ...
The Bank of Hindostan, General Bank of Bengal and Bengal Bank became the first banks in India to issue paper currency in the ...
No evidence of Rome-China trade India was an ancient hub of global trade, maintaining strong trade relations with the Roman Empire and the West--contrary to popular historical claims that China held ...
Did early humans have rules for how words could be strung together? What impact did this have on their brains and behaviour?
The Hittites, an ancient Anatolian civilisation (c ... A few decades ago, the introduction or diffusion of iron metallurgy into northern India in the Ganges Doab had been thought to be represented by ...
Archaeologists have discovered iron objects at six sites in Tamil Nadu, dating back to 2,953–3,345 BCE, or between 5,000 to 5 ...
global movement through which ancient customs are being revived from the ancient texts of India to modern times. King Charles III, has been known to embrace Ayurveda and traditional Indian healing ...