迄今为止的演示仅限于两个模之间的纠缠。研究者报告了在集成光学芯片上连续可变八模纠缠的确定性产生。该芯片提供了一个量子微梳,可以产生低于阈值的多模压缩真空光学频率梳。他们验证了八模态的不可分性,并通过违反van Loock–Furusawa标准,证明了数百兆赫边带频率上的超模多部纠缠。
近日,浙江师范大学化材学院何亚兵教授课题组在气体吸附分离领域取得重要突破,相关研究成果以“Efficient Methane Purification Using a Robust and Recoverable Hydrogen-Bonded ...
The research facility, combining a manned deep-sea laboratory and a land-based fidelity simulation installation, is set to be completed within five years, according to its builder, the South China Sea ...
What is it like to live in the depths of the ocean for a month? This science-fiction-like concept is about to become a ...
On Feb 15, over 100 guests from 14 countries gathered for the “Civilizations of Goodness: When the East Meets the West” ...
白炭黑接枝甲烷(hydroxyl-functionalized fumed silica-grafted methane)是一种新型纳米材料,其材料表面结构经碳烷基修饰后与甲烷分子形成化学键,可以实现强有力的物理吸附作用。这种材料不仅具有较高的比表面积和孔隙度,还具备优异的热稳定性和化学稳定性 ...