As the city of Maricopa continues to expand with new businesses and residential developments, so too does an often-overlooked ...
Astronomers have confirmed the existence of four planets orbiting a star less than 6 light-years away with help from some of ...
The Canadian-built Atacama Cosmology Telescope in the high Chilean desert mountains, which has just given up its final batch ...
After five years of staring unblinking at the sky, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) has compiled the most detailed map ...
Often seen as destructive, supermassive black holes could help sustain life under specific conditions, scientists have found.
Although black hole radiation can be catastrophic in some cases, it may assist life once oxygen has accumulated in the planet’s atmosphere.
As astronomers peer through telescopes across the cosmos, dust clouds may distort the light from distant objects, altering observations.
A distant exoplanet discovered, named Enaiposha, is unlike anything found in our own solar system, similar to a "super-Venus" ...
At the center of most large galaxies, including our Milky Way, sits a supermassive black hole. These powerful objects sometimes enter active galactic nucleus (AGN) mode, where they pull in gas and ...
Five 'mass extinctions' have decimated our planet since it was formed - now scientists claim the answers to two could be written in the stars.
You can tell spring has officially begun in the Northern Hemisphere just by looking at the stars. Here's how to easily spot ...
It's rare for any observatory to directly image a planet beyond our solar system, called an exoplanet, but the powerful James Webb Space Telescope has captured four of them in the stellar system HR ...