Some of the terms on the front of food packages aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, which oversees ...
The report, by Sustain, the research body concerned with food issues, and the Co-op supermarket chain, identifies many products which make misleading claims. Among them is St Ivel Gold spread ...
What the label implies: According to the USDA, products that are "certified organic" can't contain GMOs and should minimize pesticides and anything synthetic (ie: made in a lab). "100% organic ...
Complaints to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency about country of origin claims have skyrocketed in the month of February, ...
Homegrown products are getting a spotlight in grocery stores across Canada amid trade wars, but shoppers are noticing errors in labelling.
Canadian retailers are navigating strict CFIA and Competition Bureau guidelines for "Made in Canada" and "Product of Canada" ...
In a world where there are new food labels emerging all the time ... “The most important thing is that they can’t be misleading – that’s the bottom line.” Claims and terms on packaging ...
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is proposing new rules for labels on wine and distilled spirits. California just banned these misleading food labels, a first in the nation The ...
FDA plays an important role in ensuring that the labels or labeling of food for human consumption, including claims on labels or labeling that market a food, are accurate, truthful, and not misleading ...