A study now describes a cell-autonomous, motile, organelle-rich extracellular vesicle with cell-like functions and the largest one yet — the blebbisome.
Cell invasion is related to cell migration, and defines the ability of cells to become motile and to navigate through the extracellular matrix within a tissue or to infiltrate neighbouring tissues.
They are broadly classified into two types: nonmotile (primary) and motile cilia. These structures are integral to the spatiotemporal regulation of cellular processes such as proliferation, migration, ...
The best method of birth control will depend on individual needs and preferences. Methods vary widely in terms of reliability, ease of use, permanence, and other factors. Deciding on a birth ...
While this definition was commonly used for a long time ... Embryonic microglia and newborn astrocytes are dynamic and motile cells that are located throughout the brain, but are also concentrated in ...
Prostaglandins cause cramps and make smooth muscle "more motile," added Dr ... of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Definition and facts for gas in the digestive tract.
1Cancer Ecology Center, James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. 2Cellular and Molecular Medicine Graduate Training Program, Johns Hopkins ...
The Institute for Drug Research, The School of Pharmacy, The Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University, POB 12271, Jerusalem 9112001, Israel ...
Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China ...