The best games are on Saturdays. Get pampered in Nicaragua’s finest beachfront spa at Mukul. Located on the white sandy shores of the Emerald Coast. The resort also features the country’s ...
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Red Sol Resort in Dhërmi. Image Courtesy of Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura As we move past Thanksgiving and step into December, the festive season is fast approaching. This time of year ...
Mukul Resort in Nicaragua, which has welcomed a range prominent A-listers The resort stayed shuttered during the pandemic, before quietly relaunching at the end of last year. Rooms are currently ...
In calendar year 2024, the stock surged 93 per cent, while, in calendar year 2023, it skyrocketed 224 per cent. Investor Mukul Mahavir Agarwal held 1.4 million equity shares, or a 1.43 per cent stake, ...
Mukul Agrawal also increased his shareholding by 1.07 percent, buying 160,000 shares. Behind the considerable price appreciation of the stock over the past five years has been the aggressive ...
From a banker to an actor, the journey has been an exciting one!” said the actor to TOI. Mukul Chadda had notable film roles in ‘Satyagraha’ and ‘Gurgaon’. It was the OTT platform that ...