A rare disease has taken a piece of Aubrey's O'Sullivan childhood away from her: the ability to ride a bike. But a good ...
According to Dr Shubham Vatsya, senior consultant, Fortis Hospital, one of the most under-recognised but common issue among ...
Kristen Iniguez shares the challenges and rewards of her work evaluating and treating children who have experienced abuse or ...
The woody breast (WB) myopathy poses significant economic and welfare concerns to the poultry industry, however, there is no effective strategy to mitigate this pathology due to its unknown etiology.
Did you know that one out of every ten Americans has a rare disease? That's why Rare Disease Day is so important to so many ...
Myopathy refers to diseases of skeletal muscles (muscles connected to bone). The condition can be acute (meaning sudden, severe, and short-lasting) or chronic (persistent, recurrent, and often ...
While couples get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day, others are reminded love isn't always chocolate and roses, as medical research shows that heartbreak can actually change the structure of your ...
Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM) are major complications that occur in severely ill patients who require intensive care treatment. CIP and CIM affect the ...
Phase 4 trials look at long-term safety and effectiveness, after a new treatment has been approved and is on the market. * Biochemically and/or genetically confirmed or confirmed primary mitochondrial ...
GNE myopathy is an ultrarare muscle disease characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness. Symptoms typically start in early adulthood, with weakness and atrophy in the tibialis anterior muscles ...
A number of proteins regulating this process are mutated in human diseases. We focus on centronuclear myopathy due to mutations in the large GTPase dynamin 2 (DNM2), the first protein shown to ...