Coffee Memorial Blood Center is inviting those to donate during their Pot O' Gold event until March 23 for a chance to win ...
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood urgently needs another 6000 people to donate blood this week to replenish supplies depleted by ...
Lorraine Gregory Communications will be holding a blood drive at its Edgewood headquarters on Wednesday, March 19, 9 ...
Cairns residents are urged to step forward and help save lives as Australia’s largest blood collection centre faces a ...
Blood Assurance is issuing an emergency plea for O-negative blood donors as supply levels have dropped to dangerously low ...
March is Red Cross Month, a time to recognize all the volunteers and the work the Red Cross does.There is always a need for blood and platelet donations. This ...
Blood transcends all divisions — race, religion, caste, or creed. When a life is at stake, these differences disappear, Mario ...
You'll get access to an ad-free website with a faster photo browser, the chance to claim free tickets to a host of events ...
allowing members of the LGBTQ+ community to donate blood. This change comes at a critical time, as the organization faces a significant need for donations due to various challenges such as the recent ...
“Centres in Queensland urgently need 6000 people to donate blood this week to help replenish critically low supplies,” she said. Australia’s largest blood collection centre ...
The drive will be held on Wednesday, March 12, from noon until 4 p.m. in the Bloodmobile at the parish's Public Works ...