A gleefully stupid (but entertainingly so) tribute to anime and superheroes that has tons of fun with the DC Universe.
The CSIRO says the average Australian's diet is likely to get worse within five years, hurting our health and the taxpayers' ...
An unlikely US state leading the nation in chronic diseases like obesity and ADHD is set to sign a bill banning nine toxic food dyes and chemicals from schools and the state by 2028.
With less than eight months to go until the UK’s landmark advertising ban kicks in, a new report from Action on Salt and Sugar based at Queen Mary ...
A popular vegan junk food brand is set to open its first Glasgow location. Rabbit Food, founded by Gavin and Rab, will be the first food vendor to join the Clydeside Containers project. The brand, ...
While Brazil announces stringent restrictions on the inclusion of ultra-processed foods in school meals, South Africa’s education department, responsible for the National School Nutrition Programme ...
Expensive processed meals and fatty, chemical-laden treats are highly profitable, as a trip to any supermarket, where they ...
With nearly 2 lakh new cases of kidney failure diagnosed annually in India, Chronic Kidney Disease is a growing health ...
Is your glass half empty or half full? Bill Burke, founder of the Optimism Institute, offers tips for realistic optimism: ...
CORRIE legend Catherine Tyldesley is gracing our screens in a new ITV drama, Protection. The 41- year-old, who appears ...
“Get more fiber from fruits and vegetables and eat prebiotic foods, like garlic, onions and asparagus to feed good gut ...
A little more than two weeks ahead of the government’s planned 50 percent value-added tax (VAT) cut on unprepared food items, ...