在球鞋文化的璀璨星河中,Nike Air Foamposite One “Galaxy”始终以其独特的设计与故事占据着不可替代的位置。自2012年首次亮相NBA全明星周末以来,“银河喷”便成为球鞋爱好者梦寐以求的珍藏之一。如今,阔别13年之后,这一经典之作终于迎来了让人振奋的复刻。
今天天津也有门店开启了银河喷的发售,现场也是出现了众多鞋友们的参与,甚至不少大爷大妈也加入了抽签的队伍看来鞋贩子们也非常关注这次的复刻(这次天津的发售还附赠《喷泡球鞋纪念画册》更具纪念收藏意义) ...
The Galaxy Foamposite, originally released by Nike in 2012, is making a comeback. For sneakerheads and collectors, witnessing the resurrection of this legendary trainer is a major event, especially ...
The Nike Air Foamposite One "Galaxy" 2025 has caused widespread speculation as one of Nike's most celebrated drops might be returning. First launched in 2012 for the NBA All-Star Weekend ...
周末这两天将迎来重磅鞋款的登场,虽然数量不多,但每双都是精品。感兴趣的各位,可以先把闹钟上好!银河喷 Nike Air Foamposite One “Galaxy”货号:FQ4303-400日期:2 月 22 日定价:¥1799 元曾经的神鞋,本周六终于等来正式登场,定价方面还是熟悉的¥1799 ...
This is the Galaxy Foamposite, one of the most notorious sneakers of the 21st century. Nike’s original Galaxy Pack and dropped way back in 2012 to commemorate NBA All-Star Weekend, long the high ...
Update: It’s nearly time for the Nike Air Foamposite One “Galaxy” to make its grand return. The pair, which has been rumored to be re-releasing since April of 2023, has finally been fully ...
You won’t buy these if you just need a new pair of shoes. But if you’re a sneakerhead, it’s somewhat mind-blowing that you can, and a massive indictment on the former CEO of Nike. For the unfamiliar, ...
When Nike introduced the "Galaxy" Foamposite One 13 years ago, it sent the sneaker community into a frenzy. On the secondary marketplace, fans offered up unimaginable things to trade, including ...
In 2012, the same year the “Galaxy” version first touched down and caused mayhem, Nike partnered with the animated film “ParaNorman” to make an even rarer version of the Air Foamposite One.
It’s still early days on the revival of the Nike Zoom Spiridon, a running shoe that originally released in 1997 and had been on ice from 2018 until late last year. A few OG colorways have already made ...