在线发表题为:“Subcutaneous depth-selective spectral imaging with mμSORS enables non-invasive glucose monitoring”的研究论文,为糖尿病患者带来告别扎手指或抽血测血糖等方法的福音。 该研究开创性地提出一种无创血糖检测技术,即:多重微空间偏移拉曼散射(mμSORS)光谱技术。
Innovation map of component attachments - market readiness of solders and conductive adhesives. Login or Register You are not logged in. For existing users, please login to learn more about this ...
Innovation map of lithium metal anodes: dealing with dendrites and benchmarking technologies. Login or Register You are not logged in. For existing users, please login to learn more about this premium ...