If you're providing at-home dementia care for a parent or a loved one, these tips will make this difficult role easier.
Nursing Home Executive Director Scott Porter always wanted the Piatt County Nursing Home to have a multi-sensory room.
As dementia diagnoses and the demand for care increase, more nursing home operators are trying to take a bite of the memory care apple.
Medicare covers part-time home healthcare for qualifying individuals with dementia. Learn who is eligible, what services Medicare covers, and more.
As many as half of nursing home residents are cognitively impaired and may be unable to communicate symptoms such as pain or anxiety to the staff and clinicians caring for them.
HC-One’s Meadow Bank Care Home in Preston, Lancashire, welcomed a talented local writer, Susan Osborne, to their home to read ...
As many as half of nursing home residents are cognitively impaired and may be unable to communicate symptoms such as pain or anxiety to ...
But custodial long-term care—meaning assistance with the activities of daily living ... Alzheimer's disease and that number is expected to rise as baby boomers age. Alzheimer's disease and dementia ...
GLASTONBURY, CT (WFSB) - A 77-year-old dementia patient went missing from a nursing home for a few hours on Tuesday morning. The town’s Facebook account posted that the man had been missing from ...
The secret to independent living? A little extra support; here’s how to find the best care providers in Beaufort County.