If you come across an old globe that is damaged or you don't want, consider repurposing it as-is to your décor. There are a number of creative DIYs online that transform an old globe into a ...
Continent-size islands deep inside Earth's mantle could be more than a billion years old, a new study finds. Known as large low-seismic-velocity provinces (LLSVPs), these blobs are both hotter and ...
Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Scientists think that by 4.3 billion years ago, Earth may have developed conditions suitable to support life. The oldest known fossils, however, are only 3.7 ...
Enter “Empty Ride,” a world premiere comedy-drama that opened Thursday at the Old Globe. Written by UC San Diego MFA grad Keiko Green, it’s a jam-packed 90-minute ghost story with five ...