The papyri, declared Keeper of Manuscripts Harold Idris Bell, are the oldest Christian writings extant. Of the 2nd Century, they antedate the Chester Beatty New Testament papyri (3rd Century ...
The Mandaeans are one of the world’s oldest surviving religious groups, with roots in ancient Gnostic traditions. Centered around the veneration of John the Baptist and a dualistic cosmology of light ...
Widely believed to be the oldest temple in the world, Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Türkiye dates back a whopping 12,000 years ...
It contains the oldest known temple ... Clues to what may have been the world’s first organized religion are scattered throughout Neolithic sites in southern Turkey, northern Syria, and Iraq.
Biblical scholars periodically get excited when, in the sands of Egypt or the Near East, someone turns up what is called “the world’s oldest Biblical text.” Famed for its comparative ...
The youngest adults are also three times more likely than the oldest group to be religiously unaffiliated ... are a big part of what’s driven the long-term declines in American religion,” Smith said. ...
may be the world’s oldest known temples. Since the site was discovered two decades ago, it has upended the traditional idea that religion was a luxury made possible by settlement and farming.
The fact remains that the oldest ‘known’ ruler was Puskara ... When Pushkara Sarin came to power his religion was Vedic, probably a local variation of the emerging deity-based faiths.