宇宙的深处,时间的彼端,我们的DNA,可能不是地球独有的产物。科学家已经开始重新审视生命的起源,不是因为新的猜想,而是因为新的证据。 OSIRIS-REx任务,2023年9月,样本成功带回地球。目标,是一颗直径500米的碳质小行星——贝努(Bennu ...
Ancient DNA is telling us more and more about humans and environments long past. Could it also help rescue the future? Eske Willerslev was on a tour of Montreal’s Redpath Museum, a Victorian-era ...
British historian Russell Edwards claims to have identified Jack the Ripper as Aaron Kosminski using DNA evidence from a crime scene. Kosminski, a mentally ill Polish immigrant, allegedly committed ...
Over a century after he murdered and mutilated London women in 1888, the long-mythologized killer’s identity has allegedly been confirmed by DNA found on a shawl, historian Russell Edwards said.
New DNA evidence has revealed the identity of Jack the Ripper as Aaron Kosminski, a Polish barber, more than 130 years after the brutal murders that terrorized Victorian London. Historian and author ...