India, known for its rich biodiversity, designates official state animals to symbolise its ecological and cultural heritage.
The red, windswept sand of Sossusvlei, in the Namib Desert, Namibia, where deep rooted vegetation has adapted to survive the harsh conditions. The largest sand dune in the park, known as Dune 45, or ...
纳米比亚纳米布沙漠索苏斯维来 (Sossusvlei) 的红色风沙,这里的深根植物已经适应了恶劣的环境。公园里最大的沙丘被称为 45 号沙丘,也称“大爸爸”,在背景中清晰可见。图片来自 Seed。 为了生存,一些动物已经适应了地球上最恶劣的气候,忍受着对大多数 ...