Wilkes’ selective guaranteed seat program puts high school seniors on a path earn a PharmD in just six years. Are currently enrolled at Wilkes University. Want to transfer to Wilkes from a two- or ...
Dalhousie's College of Pharmacy is now offering an undergraduate-level entry-to-practice Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) program which will fully replace our current BSc (Pharmacy) undergraduate pharmacy ...
"Here you can find links to University policies covering matters relating to the University working environment, as well as contacts and general information on work life at the School of Physiology, ...
Part of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, the School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience encompasses internationally recognised research groups whose interests extend from the cell to ...
Agreement will fast-track career options for aspiring pharmacists       Greenville University and Midwestern University are proud to announce a new affiliation agreement that provides an accelerated ...