Hundreds of regular patterns spontaneously emerge on a small germanium chip. A curiosity about tiny dots on a germanium wafer ...
In ChemEscape, students ‘enter’ a lab and carry out six different experiments that enable them to explore a variety of ...
Thoughtful AI integration can help educators boost engagement and improve learning outcomes in the science classroom.
Many dream of becoming an astronaut, but the journey requires dedication, education, and physical endurance. From academic ...
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
The successful realization of a Heisenberg model with nanographenes by Empa researchers enhances understanding of quantum ...
Curiosity about a mistake that left tiny dots on a germanium wafer with evaporated metal films led to the discovery of beautiful spiral patterns etched on the surface of the semiconductor by a ...
UCLA doctoral student Yilin Wong noticed that some tiny dots had appeared on one of her samples, which had been accidentally ...
Physics-informed neural networks were tested for their capabilities in predicting concentration profiles in gradient liquid ...
Key takeawaysCuriosity about a mistake that left tiny dots on a germanium wafer with evaporated metal films led to the ...
Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
Political Science: Students could participate in policy design studios or simulated diplomatic negotiations. These experiences would require them to apply theoretical frameworks to pressing real-world ...