How do we power missions in the outer reaches of our solar system and beyond? The solution, developed in the '60s, can last ...
Heat is one of the most significant challenges for Australia, and retrofitting buildings and transport to reduce the impact is crucial.
Small, transportable and mass-produced “microreactors” are seen as part of the future of nuclear power. Westinghouse ...
A novel type of air conditioning technology that can cool and heat more sustainably and more economically than current ...
As a member of an electric cooperative, you know that working together benefits everyone. Whether it’s delivering reliable ...
Nuclear Salt Water Rocket (NSWR) is a rocket that uses known physics and engineering and there are versions that could reach ...
A study conducted by researchers from the Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory of Tomsk Polytechnic University has demonstrated ...
Most studies of phonon transport in superlattices have only analyzed the physics indirectly through macroscopic quantities ... a robust understanding of phonon waves in heat transfer applications is ...
Laser welding has emerged as a transformative technology in the manufacturing industry, serving various applications from ...