You might decide “right, this will be in C minor,” or you might ... can borrow to embellish your major progressions, like so... Step 1: A diatonic chord means a chord that only uses notes ...
In Everybody Loves The Sunshine, Roy Ayers uses six of the seven notes in F# Dorian mode as roots for fourths chords: F-sharp, A, B, C-sharp, D-sharp and E. Three of the resulting minor 11th chords ...
A Celebration of Female Composers and Musicians,” at 7:30 p.m. March 15 at the Mishler Theatre in Altoona. The program ...
“He would lead you down the garden path with quite a bog standard chord structure and then suddenly go AWOL,” said Wakeman in the BBC’s Five Years documentary. Rick was enlisted to play the piano on ...
The album showcases eight original compositions, from which seven of them use the "contrafact" writing technique; new melodies set to chord progressions of selected jazz standards. Rooted in modern ...
Hammond did mostly rhythm guitar for The Strokes, so there aren't any crazy guitar solos, but that doesn't mean he can't write sunny, infectious chord progressions. Playing live, Hammond met ...