The Series officially kicked off Season 2 of the anime’s run with Netflix earlier this year, and now Netflix has set a ...
The first season of Pokemon Concierge dropped on Netflix on December 28, 2023, with four short episodes that were, surprisingly, released all at once. The unique texture and style, plus the ...
The next stage of the Pokemon anime offers fans something that was not available in the original Pokemon show starring Ash.
Seeing a Shiny Pokemon is a 1 in 8192 odds or something along those lines, so seeing them in the anime is always a hype ...
A Pokémon’s type determines the moves it has access to, as well as which other types it tends perform better or worse against in battle. This guide lists all Pokémon types, their key strengths and ...
Pokemon come in all shapes and sizes, from gigantic to itsy-bitsy. We take a look at the latter by examining the smallest Pokemon out there.
But for now, all we can do is wait to see which other Pokémon join the Dynamax lineup over the next few months.
All three Pokémon were viable by the end of their evolutions, making them a huge hit with fans. Torchic and Mudkip were considered the better Starters due to their overall move sets and final ...