The goal of CATS is both to examine these criticisms and, more importantly, interrogate the deep and fundamental connections between the market structures of capitalism and the political structures of ...
“Culture” is multi-layered, and does not always sit neatly in distinct categories. Still, Hofstede’s framework gives us a useful means to conceptualise beliefs, preferences and values. After all, ...
not to mention a political system more prone to be close to moneyed special interests. Yet while U.S. capitalism has long allowed for inequality of outcomes, in the last 30 years we have ...
Can capitalism survive this? The question is a prism, spitting out different answers to different ranges of the political spectrum. To those on one end, global warming could cultivate emergent ...
It's Capitalism, Stupid!: The Theoretical and Political Limitations of the Concept of Neoliberalism ... opposing "neoliberalism" (even if best understood as a process or a spectrum of ...
With their humorous original content, socialist meme groups aim to point out what they see as the failures of capitalism as ... On the other side of the political spectrum, the young alt-right ...
For me, it’s not about the beer. It is about one-issue, my-way-or-the-highway groups on both ends of the political spectrum. I have no patience with those who see only one side of an issue ...
When the thesis that capitalism leads to the impoverishment ... For intellectuals – whether on the left or the right of the political spectrum – criticising consumerism was and is a means ...