A new-to-science species of praying mantis found in Iran has been named as a symbol of universal freedom. Sinaiella azadi was ...
During the Cold War, the US poured support into Arctic military outposts and climate research amid fears of a Russian invasion. Climate change is still on the military’s radar as a threat multiplier.
Jason likes video and card games, especially War and Uno. But he definitely prefers to be outdoors, riding his bike, jumping ...
In Praying Mantis, André Brink gives his story a fictional reworking. The opening section is a swirling reverie of Hottentot myth and superstition, offset by the harsh realities of life as an ...
“Once, when I was with Jason,” recalls his worker, “he noticed one of the dogs playing with a praying mantis. The insect had gotten ... not harm it anymore. “Another time, I visited ...