The ACS Green Chemistry Instiute has partnered with chemistry instructors from over 45 institutions to develop green chemistry education resources for undergraduate students studying general and ...
Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Green Chemistry is at the frontiers of this ...
Green chemistry emerged in the 1990s when research increasingly focused on the development of environmentally benign alternatives to hazardous chemical processes. This was prompted by a rising ...
Paul Anastas chaired a committee that consisted of Joe Desimone (at the time a professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina), Bill Tumas (then a project leader at DuPont), Sid Chao ...
"Over the past three years, global project announcements for green hydrogen have almost tripled," says PIK researcher and lead author Adrian Odenweller. "However, only seven percent of the ...