If you want your best ever fall harvest, get to know the various types of plum trees to grow in your garden. You can't beat ...
Pruning at the wrong time, making incorrect cuts, using wound dressing, and not tailoring the technique are fruit tree ...
With the weather turning warmer, it was perfect timing for people to learn everything about pruning apple trees. Around 20 community members got their hands dirty while learning how to prune apple ...
Most of these shrubby “old-timers” can be salvaged into a slimmed-down, showier second life, thanks to two types of radical pruning. One is a three-year “renewal pruning” in which one ...
According to the city, Victoria is home to roughly 5,000 cherry and plum street trees. The flowering trees “are a beloved feature of our parks and boulevards … marking the start of spring ...
Erl SvendsenSaskatchewan Perennial SocietyEven though there’s still snow on the ground, it’s not too early to start working ...
Despite being native to tropical and subtropical climates, palm trees can be found in a wide range of habitats - yes, including the UK, where the weather can often be unpredictable. While they are ...
It has been 18 months since John Plumtree began his second stint at the Sharks, and it will be 18 more before his plan for his beloved team matures into what he first envisaged. Plumtree coached ...