FOR the 6,000 people in the UK who are newly diagnosed with bile duct cancer every year, the prognosis is uniquely grim. According to data from Cancer Research UK, up to 70 per cent of all these ...
The Little Mountain fire erupted Wednesday in San Bernardino County. (San Bernardino County Fire Protection District) ‘To call this a crime of violence is quite the understatement’: Judge ...
While studying mouse and human liver tumors, they discovered that certain bile acids in the liver could affect the activity of cancer-fighting immune cells, called T cells. The researchers ...
LITTLE attention has been paid to polypoid epithelial tumors of the bile ducts in spite of their favorable prognosis, often disabling symptoms, difficulty of clinical recognition and relation to ...
A percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (per-kew-tay-nee-us trans-hep-attic col-an-jee-o-gram) is a way of looking at your bile ducts using x-rays. This test is also called a PTC. You may have a ...
Biliary colic (also known as a "gallbladder attack") is abdominal pain that develops due to a blockage in the bile ducts. Bile ducts carry bile (digestive fluid) from your liver to your ...
Now, work led by Sheng-Cai Lin, Chen-Song Zhang, and Xianming Deng of Xiamen University in China links the benefits of calorie restriction to a bile acid called lithocholic acid, which works by ...
They found that those who lost protection also had generally higher levels of bile acids. However, those with remission had higher levels of two specific bile acids, known as lithocholates.
A new report in Science by Ma and colleagues uncovers the interplay of microbiota-controlled bile acid metabolism and immune responses in the context of primary and metastatic liver tumours in mice.
近日,鹤庆县人民医院外二科的李灿钧主任及功能科的李桂仙主任联合麻醉科团队,成功实施了一例经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术(PTCD术),标志着医院在重症患者救治方面迈出了重要一步,也彰显了多学科协作的重要性。这项技术首先在一位43岁男性患者张先生身上 ...