Our multidisciplinary approach allows patients to be assessed from multiple perspectives, allowing evaluation and management of multiple aspects of the care involved in the child with a concerning ...
We may be more likely to see snakes this time of year, as the weather warms. Use this information to make encounters less scary.
may influence head shape. Head shape is best appreciated by evaluating the head from the down. Table 1 illustrates and defines the head shapes often seen during infancy. Figure 2 shows normal ...
Infant sleep position impacts the development of head shape. Changes in infant sleep position, specifically the movement toward supine sleep, have led to a redefinition of normal head shape for ...
Here’s how to identify them. Look at the head shape. As a rule of thumb, most venomous snakes have a triangular or diamond-shaped head, and nonvenomous snakes have a tapered head. Don’t put ...
However, its eyes are round in shape without a vertical pupil ... This means it has a pit on each side of its head that it uses to sense the heat of warm-blooded prey. Fortunately, though this reptile ...
Did you just receive a notice from your child's school about head lice? Head lice are contagious and they commonly spread among kids who have close contact with each other. You should definitely check ...