Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, students are still recovering when it comes to learning reading and math. A new report that combines scores from The Nation's Report Cardwith state test ...
Average student achievement in Wisconsin remains months behind in math, and a half-grade behind in reading compared to learning levels in 2019. That’s according to the latest Education Recovery ...
But they’re still a third of a grade level behind in both math and reading compared to students before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report by Harvard and Stanford researchers Rhode ...
The reading and math scores of thousands of American students in fourth and eighth grades have reached lows not seen in decades, according to a report released by the National Assessment of ...
The centers have helped improve teaching and learning in core academic subjects like reading and math, they say—and dissolving them leaves states without important manpower and expertise.
Idaho students are about a half grade level behind pre-pandemic reading and math achievement levels, according to a new analysis of state and national test scores Idaho is also behind its peers, ...
Emily Levy isn’t surprised. Nor is MacKenzie Price, Sari Factor or others on the frontlines of K-12 education and the uphill climb to rebound from students’ learning gaps and falling test scores since ...
However, a new analysis of state and national test scores shows the average student remains half a grade level behind pre-pandemic achievement in both reading and math. Students are even further ...
Then, he noticed something else. “The big puzzle was not why math fell more between 2019 and 2022 than reading, the big puzzle is why did reading keep falling?” Kane said. From 2019, before the ...
During the pandemic, reading and math levels drastically dropped across the country, and the Nation’s Report Card found in 2024 that they have continued falling. And despite some districts ...
The Berkeley County School District (BCSD) is celebrating the progress students have made in math and reading during the first part of the school year. Several schools have shown gains toward ...