Scanning electron microscopy images of fibers from engineered spider silk. To validate their computational findings, the Northwestern team used spectroscopy techniques to examine how the protein ...
A technical paper titled “SEMI-PointRend: Improved Semiconductor Wafer Defect Classification and Segmentation as Rendering” was published (preprint) by researchers at imec, University of Ulsan, and KU ...
[Ben Krasnow] is upping his SEM game with a new rig to improve image capture (video link) and more easily create animated GIFs and videos. The color scheme of the SEM housing gives away its 80s ...
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has revolutionized the realm of microscopic analysis. By delivering astonishingly detailed images of minuscule entities such as insects, bacteria, or even the ...
The fascinatingly diverse detail of a rat’s bronchial epithelial surface. Long, hair-like structures, known as ciliated cells, are important for the bronchi’s self-clearing mechanisms. Large ...
Among the various types of electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are the most common. While both techniques harness the power of electrons ...
The scanning electron microscope is a type of electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons. The SEM is significantly more powerful than ...
Smooth navigation throughout the sample enables users’ to rapidly go from an optical image to high-resolution SEM imaging and analysis. Automatic condition setting depending on the sample type and ...
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Researchers developed a new optimized printing approach that could enable super-resolution 3D direct laser writing (DLW) of ...
Granted, the idea of cutting metal inside the vacuum chamber of an SEM seems like quite an undertaking right up front. To accomplish this, [Zach] needed to build a custom tool to advance a cutting ...