The wall becomes thinner until—POP!—the bubble bursts. PARENT TIP: SCIENCE To help your child with dexterity, have him or her pour the ingredients into the bowl. If your child has trouble with ...
How big can a bubble get? The biggest bubbles are made with two sticks and a loop of string between them. Using special bubble solution, a large thin film of solution is made in the loop. Then the ...
B is for bubbles. How can you make bubble solution from household items? C is for crystals. How are crystals made? Children can study the Alphabet and learn science at the same time with Apples, ...
Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered "What would this be like if it were HUGE?" Welcome to Science Max, the exciting series that turbocharges all the science experiments you've done at ...
Excitement was bubbling up this weekend at Mid-Michigan Libraries. Miss Lena from Michigan Bubble Fun hosted interactive science shows at the Clio Area Library and the Davison Area Library.