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When perinatal testicular torsion combined with cryptorchidism, clinical diagnosis is more difficult and prone to misdiagnosis. When scrotal emptiness along with an ipsilateral intraperitoneal mass ...
Many people diagnosed with a hiatal hernia will not have any symptoms. Those who do usually experience heartburn and indigestion. While medications may provide some relief, effective hiatal hernia ...
Dr Vijaykumar C Bada, Clinical Director and Robotic Surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals, expresses the need for sharing knowledge and… Express Healthcare, first published as Express Healthcare Management in ...
It starts when the testicle twists the spermatic cord (which brings blood to the scrotum) and cuts off the blood supply to the testicles and scrotal tissue. Testicular torsion can occur at ... Your ...
Surgical treatment of abdominal and diaphragmatic malformations resulting in congenital hernia requires deep knowledge of ventral body closure and the separation of the primary body cavities during ...
We may use several tests to help confirm your diagnosis: Blood test—We will analyze a blood sample. This helps us check for conditions or infections that could cause testicular pain. Scrotal ...
A hiatal hernia happens due to a weakening of the diaphragm muscles. In most cases, the cause of this weakening is unclear, but risk factors include aging, traumatic injury, and abdominal surgery. The ...