By snacking on sea urchins, they keep urchin populations in check ... the blubber that other sea mammals have built in) sea otters eat a quarter of their body weight in food every day.
Despite their low numbers, sea otters consume voracious kelp-eating sea urchins at a high ... the sea otters alone could not control urchin populations. Sunflower stars play an integral role ...
A southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) foraging on a purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) in Monterey Bay, California, USA. Image by Morgan Rector. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
Sea otters are making great strides toward recovery in California, and new research shows that their growing numbers are directly correlated with the decline of one of the most invasive species in ...
Want to help California’s kelp forests? Eat sea urchins. Want to help California’s kelp forests? Eat sea urchins. To save kelp forests, scientists try breeding sea stars To save kelp forests ...
believe that Tlingit should consume the animals as food in order for the harvesting of sea otters to not be considered wasteful. Contemporary Tlingit do not eat sea otter. By arguing that this ...