Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . Accelerometer-based rehabilitation may improve recovery outcomes at 1 year after ACL reconstruction.
It uses high-efficiency TI buck converters to provide power for multiple fan and servo ports, and there is a dedicated power supply for peripherals, SBCs, and Wi-Fi modules. The board is equipped with ...
Abstract: Accurate calibration of the intrinsic odd-quadratic coefficient of pendulous integrating gyroscopic accelerometer (PIGA) is of significant importance in high-overload applications. In order ...
The rest should be obvious. The 1sheeld reads the accelerometer data and when it sees the right gesture, it operates the servo. It would be interesting to do this with a smart watch, which would ...
The rest should be obvious. The 1sheeld reads the accelerometer data and when it sees the right gesture, it operates the servo. It would be interesting to do this with a smart watch, which would ...