A rtificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way over the last decade, moving from this horror show to pretty impressive image generation, and text generation which gets its facts right a lot of the ...
Andrew Hill I’m going to start with our traditional dumb question. The subtitle of your book is Why Big Systems Make Terrible Decisions — and How the World Lost Its Mind. So on a scale of one to 10, ...
The co-founder of London Writers Salon talks about her background in management consulting and publishing and on building a global writing community ...
This week in Friday Philosophy, David Gordon reviews The Tariff Superstition: Why Protectionism Always Fails and Who Really ...
Here are five bits of advice on how to be smarter than the AI. Anyone who's had a joke fall flat on a social media site like ...
Gretchen Rubin, host of the Happier podcast, explains the secret to happiness — and why knowing your personality type can ...
Once, shows like Star Trek predicted new tech and a boldly going future; now, Severance, Silo and even Trek are looking to ...